Photography: Amanda Pratt, Styling: Studio Marcus Hay, Inc
Photography: Amanda Pratt, Styling: Studio Marcus Hay, Inc
Photography: Amanda Pratt, Styling: Studio Marcus Hay, Inc
Photography: Amanda Pratt, Styling: Studio Marcus Hay, Inc
The Team, Photography: Amanda Pratt
Earlier this year, SMH, Inc was asked to join the Carter's team to style the sets and props for 150 years of Carter's. We were excited to join the team which included a endless stream of very cute babies and with them cast especially by Studio Marcus Hay, Inc also two very cute English bulldog puppies who were the star of the show.
A baby shoot of this proportion is a big production and requires a lot of patience and happy vibes. The babies featured had to be content and ready to perform and with dogs and cakes made by the very talented Ryan Reineck balloons and handmade confetti, You can imagine how many times we had to clean that set ready for the next baby.
It really is incredible to see how a shoot like this is handled and the team above including the wonderful Photographer Amanda Pratt all work in tandem to provide a space that can effectively shoot the kids who at such a young age are not always predictable.
Happy Birthday Carter's and thanks for letting us be a part!
Alongside the photos, two videos (also styled by SMH, Inc.) are easily watched here at Pat Bates & Associates and are super cute. Scroll down on the site linked to view them.